The E-Z Grader Blog

  • Teacher's Prayer

    Please help me, To strengthen their voices, bodies and minds, To express their feelings and control them sometimes, To explore what's near and venture afar, But most important to love... More ...
  • Formative Assessment Tech Tools

      Formative Assessment and Technology: A Perfect Pair   The previous blog featured a great discussion about Formative and Summative Assessments. While these certainly are a common pair of phrases... More ...
  • Formative and Summative Assessments

    In the education field, teachers and parents are inundated with new acronyms and buzzwords all the time. Recently, the terms formative and summative assessments have come to the forefront of... More ...
  • Ed Tech: What now?

    Ed Tech: What now? Making Tech Work for Teachers The holiday season has come to a close; the New Year is in. Chances are you received some sort of technology... More ...
  • Common Core

    Recently in my hometown paper there were two FULL pages devoted to the controversial topics of Common Core. I felt the newspaper actiually did a nice job explaining exactly WHAT... More ...
  • Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Night

    Fall Parent/Teacher Conference night, the longest 12 hours of a teacher’s school year. There are four scenarios to a parent/teacher conferences: The first one is called, “I can’t believe they... More ...
  • BYOD

    BYOD: What is it? What do you need to know? Until recently electronic items like cell phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, Nooks, tablets, Chromebooks, etc., were considered contraband in the classroom.... More ...
  • Refocusing Students Back To School

    Well, it is that time of year again, back to school! As always, summer has flown by. The leisurely days of sleeping in, eating breakfast late, lounging by the pool,... More ...
  • Welcome to Our New Blog!

    This is the first post.